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Receipt Log

This feature enable the user to generate reports listing all the receipts that were issued and to reprint selected receipts.

Note that: You need to have activated the receipt printing option in the menu System\Configuration\Receipts and selected Receipts have to be logged? option in the General Settings. The receipts will displayed under the file column of the screen as seen below.

How to log receipts?

To log receipts you go to System/Log receipts. A screen that looks like one below appears:

Click on the OK command button to display the receipts as seen below:

The message prompting you to clear the log appears every time you run the log report or reprint the selected receipt. Click "Yes" if you want to clear the current receipt log.

Click on the Close command button to exit the menu.

Related Topics

Receipts Configuration, Buying and Selling of Shares, Cheque Transactions, Time Deposits, Loans, Cash

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